A new book entitled Joseph Conrad and Ethics I co-edited with Laetitia Crémona (Université de Montréal) is to be released in August 2021 (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press / Columbia University Press). The book is volume 30 of the series Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives, edited by Wiesław Krajka. It explores a major, understudied Conradian topic – Ethics, and adds an important thematic and theoretical dimension to this series. The chapters are written by experts from various universities worldwide, in keeping with the international, cosmopolitan spirit of Eastern and Western Perspectives. The authors’ wide-ranging, original perspectives on ethics open new venues in Conrad scholarship that will be useful to scholars and students of Conrad, modernism, and ethics.
ISBN: 9788322794579 | 330 Pages | Format: Hardcover
For full details, see dedicated page on this website or visit Columbia University Press webpage.